divendres, 28 de gener del 2011

Questions about Antoine Lavoisier

1- Where was  Antoine Lavoisier born?
2- What prize did he win in Paris?
3- What was his wife's name?
4- Who translated and ilustrated his books from English  ?
5- What did he demonstrate with phosphorous and sulfur?
6- What did he demonstrate in 1778?
7- What was demonstrated in the book Reflexions sur le Phlogistique?
8- What instrument did he and Laplace use?
9- What did Lavoiser and Laplace discover?
10- How did he die?

Synonyms and antonyms

Write synonyms of these words.     Write antonyms of these words.
Prize                                                       Modern
Demostrate                                             Young
Instrument                                               Beautiful
Experiment                                              Same
Discover                                                  Impossible

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